Monday, March 30, 2009

Stunted Growth - Visual Aids in Classroom

Upcoming action research: Stunted Growth - Visual Aids in Classroom


With or without motivation, students would typically give cold shoulders to any kind of presentation tasks thrown at their feet. Forum is one of the most effective forms of presentation. However at most times, teachers and audience would mostly be uninspired, jaded and occasionally snubbed listening to daunting presentations, one after another.

Poor preparation is definitely the main cause. Through an action research using excerpts from The Oprah Winfrey Show and MTV’s Chat The Planet, students are introduced to analyse the mechanics of forum presentation in both TV shows. This expectantly helps students to prepare and present a better forum presentation, consequently motivates them to explore it further. This action research also investigates the perception of students on these selected visual aid materials and its relevance to their task.

Video excerpts of Chat The Planet is gathered from

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