Sunday, August 30, 2009

I seek your deepest apologies

To all my Hindu brothers, sisters, friends and family, with great respect and love, I am as intensely outraged, enraged and humiliated. I seek your deepest apologies.

Humanity of all walks of life should condemn the act of hatred and intolerance against nature.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Classes on both Tues & Thurs

Welcome back everyone!
I'm all well and healthy... I hope so do you! From now on, classes will be on full gear, god-willing.

Please be informed that both groups 103 & 115 need to attend this week Tuesday & Thursday classes:

Tuesday & Thursday | 24 & 26 Aug 2009 | *7.30PM | Podium F

Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Mr. M

*Only for Ramadan

Monday, August 10, 2009

KML Quarantined

Hello Group 103 & 115,

Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan has been quarantined due to the A(H1N1) influenza for a week (10-16 Aug).

It is highly unlikely that I could go to UMS campus for classes. All KML students and staff are NOT allowed to get out of the compound. Coincidentally you will have a mid-term break (17-23 Aug). This means we will only be able to see each other on the next 25 & 27 Aug.

Watch this space to keep yourself updated on reading and writing assignments.

Mr. M